Sunday, October 30, 2016

Interviews of October 2016


Dr. Partha P. Majumder:

Director, National Institute of Biomedical Genomics, Kolkata. Did M.Sc and Ph.D. in statistics from Indian Statistical Institute. Is renowned for applying statistics to population genomic studies, susceptibility of certain populations to certain diseases and other areas of biology. His most recent paper published in Nature Genetics has made waves according to Dr. TVV - the paper proposes, based on study of Andaman tribes, that there was a 3rd species of prehumans besides Neanderthals and Denozoans. Another important study proposes 4 lineages cover most populations of India, with 5th lineage is exclusively in Andaman-Nicobar tribes. 4 lineages associated with 4 major language groups in India - north Indian population speaking Indo-Europen languages, south Indians speaking Dravidian languages, NE Indian people who speak Tibeto-Burmese family of languages and 4th that is limited to mainland tribes (Austro-Asiatic tribes??).

Another major research work is on canc. At a cellular level, canc. is solely a genetic disease, though that doesn't mean it is necessarily passed across generations. Working with a global consrtium to identify what DNA alterations are responsible for malignancies. Several types of DNA variations do not cause diseases, but a few do. So mass amount of data from population is needed to identify the dangerous alterations. This will help develop better diagnosis, identifying people at risk and better treatment techniques.

His institute has over 15 faculty members (working on application to biology) and says he doesn't have time to explain research work done by all. But says there are 2 major research groups, one working on infectious diseases and the other on chronic disease. One of the chronic diseases that is being researched upon is NAFLD - a study on some Indian populations found NAFLD in the absence of obesity or fatty deposits in other parts of the body - could there be genetic factors.

Another grouo looking at tuberclosis - explains how pathogens hiding in coconut shell-like structure to evade immune system attack. Immune system then goes to sleep and these pathogens use that opportunity to become active. Smewhat humorous animation illustrating this accomapnies.

Says ISI curriculum, in addition to large dose of mathematics, also has life sciences, social sciences etc. Says this was because the founder of ISI felt that statistics cannot thrive in isolation and had to be applied to other fields. Dr. Partha's father was a biologist who worked for fisheries dept. and biology was a passion for Dr. Partha too; perhaps that is what led him to focusing on statistics for biology.

1. Density of researchers is low in India.
2. Funding for resource-intensive biology research is either low or comes in sporadic bursts, not conitnuous.
3. Young Indian researchers abroad willing to return put off by lack of adequate research facilities in India.

Says he, as a long-time researcher, will take up these problems with the Indian govt.